Authors are invited to submit regular full papers no more than eight (8) pages (including any data, figures and references) in standard IEEE double-column format. All papers submitted to IE'16 must be unpublished previously and should not be undergoing consideration for publication elsewhere during IE'16 review period.
Papers submitted to any of the other conference tracks (Short papers, Doctoral Colloquium, and Demos and Video Sessions) have a length limit of 4 pages. Papers accepted in any of these tracks will also be included in the Conference Proceedings. Notice there will be different deadlines for different categories of submissions.
All papers accepted in the main conference will be electronically available through IEEE Explore. The Intelligent Environments conference is currently indexed by both EI Compendex and Thomson's Web of Science (Thomson ISI) and the 2016 edition will also be submitted for indexing. All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library. Both proceedings will be ISI indexed.
Special Tracks: Selected topics will qualify to be considered as special tracks organised by members from our scientific community. More details will be released through a specific webpage.
The IEEE paper template for IE'16 authors can be downloaded from here.
Submission of the camera-ready version will be done through a different system than the one used for the paper evaluation stage. More details will be available here at a later stage and will also be sent by email to authors of accepted papers
Dear Authors,
I am afraid that we are still awaiting the link from the IEEE to their paper validation and submission system. The precise date of that becoming available is still to be confirmed, but is likely to be around the end of this month (May) or the start of June. We hope that the submission system will be available for at least a week from the time it is released.
We will send out more details to all authors as soon as the "opening" and "closing" dates of the IEEE submission system have been confirmed. Please ensure that at least one author of your paper is available to carry out the submission of the “camera ready” paper during that time window In the meantime, please try to get all amendments, including addressing the reviewers' comments, made to your paper, and check that it is within the length limits, correctly formatted, etc. in anticipation of the submission link becoming available. You may find that the submission system requires you to make some minor adjustments to the formatting, but that is very much a matter of "trial & error", I'm afraid. However, complying with the IE'16 formatting instructions (See "Author Information" on the conference website) should make that much easier.
Please also remember that at least one author per paper must register (and pay) for the main conference before the closing date of the “camera ready” submissions in order that their paper be included in the published conference proceedings. An author with two or more papers accepted may pay a reduced fee for the second (and any further) paper(s). Please see the “Registration” page on the conference website for more information.